Social media is necessary for every single business– no matter what industry you’re in. It’s a free way to increase brand awareness and a direct connection with people that made a choice to follow your brand. This fact alone already says a lot about the potential for your followers to turn into customers at some point in the consumer + brand relationship. Creating that connection with your audience and opening the door of communication on social media is so important for every business. But as we both know, running social media for a business is incredibly time-consuming. I’d love to introduce a tool that is incredibly efficient and will save you both time and money.

Meet Publer, My New Favorite Social Media Tool

Originally, I had been using Hootsuite, but one day their pricing jumped astronomically, and I found that I couldn’t even post on all the platforms that I needed to. That’s when my scheduling tool investigation began… I wanted to find the best social media scheduling tool possible to take care of all my posting needs. A social media one-stop-shop.

The mission to find the best scheduling tool was on. I went onto the various entrepreneur Facebook groups I am in and started surveying for tools that others like me were using. I wanted something that was essentially a one-stop-shop for my social media needs. After sifting through recommendations for tools I had already tried out, I finally discovered a tool I had never heard of before that saved my business life: Publer!*

Let me tell you: Publer is incredible. I was initially skeptical because I had never heard of it before, but after using it, I realized it is simply a hidden gem. I am genuinely pumped to share this time-saving, efficient hack with you. Why keep it all to myself if it is a tool that will help my entrepreneur and small business owner friends?! When I find a winning tool or business hack, anyone connected to my business network–clients, my students, followers on social media, or subscribe to my emails– will always be the first to know. 😊

As a marketer that has to market a marketing agency (mine!) it’s really important to have a brand presence across several social media platforms. I need to not only reach my target audience but also show them the quality of content I can create in an intentional, cohesive, and branded way. Because who would trust a marketing person that can’t handle a little social media presence? It’s super important for me to show what I can do!

Simplify Your Social Efforts by Scheduling in Advance

Being stretched across multiple social media platforms is time-consuming, especially if you’re a solopreneur. You might even be balancing social media as a business while working full-time at another job.  If you’re creating content with intention, it means you’ll be strategizing over every detail: caption, the call to action, a stand-out image, hashtags, format for the specific platform, the best time to post, and how often you’ll post. It’s never just “post and go,” unless you’re just throwing whatever content comes to mind to the public without care. That, my friend, is not going to be an effective strategy that will deliver results. Don’t do that. 

Let’s get back to the start of this article: Publer. You can schedule across Instagram, Facebook (both your business page AND group, if you have one), LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube, and your Google business page, depending on the plan you choose. I have searched high and low across schedulers, but honestly, this one had the most options which is what I needed. It also has no limit to the amount of posts you can schedule and draft which is incredible. Right now, I have 9 months worth of content for my Facebook Group scheduled, ready to go. Now I don’t have to wake up every morning and worry about remembering to post in my group. Instead, when I get notifications of people engaging with my content that was automatically posted for me, I can log in and talk to my audience. Game changer! 💥

Here’s a shot of how I have one week set-up for my business’s social media:

It’s great because I can see how everything is mapped out across platforms at once instead of flipping between them. Big picture here!

You can also select one platform to focus on if you prefer one at a time. Below, I have selected only my Linkedin Business page:

Bootstrapping Your Business? Publer is an Affordable Option

Bootstrapping Your Business? Publer is an Affordable Option 

Publer swooped in and saved the day as my budget-friendly social media scheduling solution. There is a free version, but the paid subscriptions are extremely reasonable and worth spending money on. You pay according to the features you want, and the number of social platforms you want to schedule and post on. If you subscribe months in advance versus month to month, you’ll lock in an even better price. The fact that there is no sticker shock for the price and features given is a major plus. Other scheduling tools I have tried out are either very pricey or don’t have enough features for me. 

Want to learn about the other perks? Here’s are the highlights below:

  • Unlimited scheduling & drafts
  • Bulk scheduling(500 posts at once)
  • Hashtag suggestions (such a time-saver!)
  • Videos, multiphotos, and GIF post capabilities
  • Automatically recycle posts as needed
  • Media library(unlimited storage)
  • Export from Canva
  • Analytics
  • Signatures
  • Watermarked photos (so you can automatically have your logo placed on the post)
  • Schedule follow up comments

There’s so much more, these just happen to be features I get excited about! You can find more of their features listed on the Plans & Pricing page on their website


Simple, Straightforward Process

No need to stress about learning how to use a new tool; Publer has kept it simple and straightforward. You’ll have your social platforms on the left side of the dashboard, and a typical post creation space on the right. You can create your post, and then select the various platforms you want to post. Set the scheduled time or save it as a draft, and boom! You’re basically done. You can even upload multiple images at once if you want to create in bulk.

Here’s a visual of how you can start creating a post: 

Publer Will Save You Time

The question is: with your time being freed up more, what will you fill that space with now? I’m sure you have a long list of incredible business-building ideas, will more time enable you to tackle bigger and better projects? Or maybe you’ll schedule some time to relax. Let me know in the comments below how you’ll be utilizing that time, and how Publer has helped you get there,  too!

For Additional Simple Time-Saving Techniques for Content Creation, Read More Here. 

*Disclaimer: I may earn a small commission for links in this email at no additional cost to you. I only recommend products that I absolutely love and also use myself – promise! 😊

hi there, I'm blaire!

I’m an expert at marketing & entrepreneurship, and completely obsessed with helping business owners transform their dreams into booming success stories. Sometimes it just takes an extra set of hands and another person’s perspective to make the business magic happen. Contact me today and let's talk shop!